What is the Bata Region?
Bata is a story. It is a little boy's journey from a shoemaker stool to incredible miracles. It is the dreams of Tomáš and Jan Antonín, the Batamen and all their fellow workers. At the heart of these dreams is the city of Zlín, from where the paths, threads and traces lead to the whole of the world.
Discover unique Bata places, technical wonders and perfect architecture. There are 86,400 seconds in a day.
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News, events, stories and tips for trips around the Bata Region

Explore Bata’s Pocket Watch in Augmented Reality
The Tomas Bata Memorial in Zlín introduces an innovative experience, blending rich history with cutting-edge technology. Starting January 17, 2025, visitors can join guided tours to explore a digital 3D model of a golden pocket watch that once belonged to visionary Tomas Bata.
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The Regional Gallery of Fine Arts presents the new permanent exhibition + – zlín
On October 31, 2024, the Regional Gallery of Fine Arts in Zlín opened a new permanent exhibition + – zlín, showcasing art, architecture and design. This exhibition broadens horizons not only for local residents but also for tourists eager to explore the evolving identity of Zlín.
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Guided tour: Tomas Bata and Luhačovice
Explore the traces and legacies that Tomas Bata left behind in the town of Luhačovice. Join a guided tour and discover the story of the extraordinary personality of Tomas Bata and his entire family, who left an unforgettable imprint on the entire region.
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