The Bata Region


Factory Complex: take a tour of Bata's factories in Zlín

The Zlín factory complex was the heart of the whole town. Its size and architecture were unique already in the 1930s, when the complex was built. Today it is one of the best preserved factory complexes in the Czech Republic. Wander through the streets that still remember the Bata era, see the whole complex from the height of the Bata Skyscraper or have a coffee in one of the restored factory buildings. The factory complex is what makes Zlín what it is.

The first factory buildings were built near the railway station at the beginning of the 20th century. Tomas Bata brought the plans from his trip to the USA. While in the first phase the factory complex grew somewhat spontaneously, in the 1930s it was already being built according to a precise concept. The 6.15 m x 6.15 m buildings copied the American measuring units of 20 x 20 feet. Most of the buildings had 3 to 5 storeys, the infill between the round reinforced concrete columns consisted of unplastered bricks and large windows that let plenty of light in. Unique is also the chessboard grid of the buildings, making the factory site a neat and carefully interconnected system for efficient production. 

Where will the factory tour take you?

A truly unique factory complex from the 1930s. Enjoy the view from the 16th floor of the Bata Skyscraper or wander the factory premises. 

Where to start?

We recommend you to start in Building No 21, called the Bata Skyscraper, which is the tallest building in Zlín. Inside you'll find the legendary elevator office, express elevator, a paternoster, a director's floor and a panoramic terrace with a café.

From Building No 21, head down the J. A. Bata Avenue away from the centre and into the depths of the complex. On your right, you will pass Building No 32, which is today a seat of the Czech Post Office as well as a residential house. At Building No 52, turn down towards the river. 

On the way, you will pass Building No 64 with a café Jedním tahem, where you can grab a bite to eat. Turn round the Building No 55 onto Sedmdesátá Street, which will lead you to the large former Central Shoe Warehouse building. Walk around it to Dvacátá Street, where a platform will open up in front of you, connecting buildings of the 14|15 BATA INSTITUTE

Stop here for a moment. Firstly, because inside you will see a great example of sensitively reconstructed factory building from the 1930s, and secondly, because you will find here the Museum of South East Moravia with the Bata Principle exhibition, the Regional Gallery of Fine Arts in Zlín, the František Bartoš Regional Library, a café and the Red Brick Design Shop

When you're done, head past the Building No 13 on Desátá Street towards the underpass to the Department store. Just before you reach it, you will pass through the former entrance gate of the Bata factory complex.

Where next

  • Wondering what it looks like inside? Visit Building No 44, which houses the Craft Centre. You can try your hand at making shoes and see the original interiors and machinery.
  • Take the Zlín Architecture Manual with you to learn all about the factory. Both the printed map and the mobile app are available.
  • You can visit the factory on a guided tour of the Zlín Zone: Factory in the Gardens. 
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